Friday 19 April 2013

We have been learning about Pirates this week and we have been having lots of fun thinking about some Pirate facts and making our very own Pirate flags!

Today, we read the story 'Pirates Love Underpants' and we found it very funny. Then, we designed our own Pirate hats. 

I have really enjoyed working with you all and you have made me feel extremely welcome in my first week :-)

Can you think of any Pirate phrases to share with us all?

Miss Kayani


  1. ahr me heartys!
    shiver me timbers!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Wow YF you have remembered two Pirate phrases,well done! Can anyone else think of any more?
    Miss Kayani

  4. What scary Pirates. You will have to come to our class to teach them how to be pirates!

  5. Yes we will be happy to help your class to be pirates mr Murphy!
    Love from Bears



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