Sunday 18 November 2012

Thank you for your comment YF!

Thank you for your comment YF saying "These fireworks are great!" Sorry I could not publish it as it had a person's full name as the author, it must be initials only, if you need any help with this just pop into school and we can show you!


  1. Hi Miss Prochazka. I'm just trying this new profile which should have no name or picture. Thanks.

  2. Well done YF that's brilliant! Now you can comment on any posts!



We love to hear from people interested in our school, and our children want to know what you think of their work!

However, any comments will be moderated by the staff at Walkley Primary School before they are uploaded on our Blog, so it might take a little while before we publish them. Please be patient and thankyou for commenting!

Walkley Primary School.